Friday, November 29, 2019
Postquick Parcels Essay Example
Postquick Parcels Essay Access also has its advantages and disadvantages, which need to weigh up against Excels advantages and disadvantages to come up with the right choice of software. Access advantages include: -* Access can perform advanced queries.* Access can make forms to insert data.* Access is very user friendly.* In Access you can have macros to go between forms and queries.* Access has lots of facilities which help to improve the appearance these include- Word Art, Paint, text and line fill, Spell check, Clip art, Importing pictures* Access is not a flat file database so you can also create relationships between tables of data.* It has a query language, which means it can perform advanced searches.* You can hide certain forms out of view.* You can put a password on the system to prevent people tampering with it.* There are writing tools including spelling and punctuation tools available.* Access can have relational tables, which are linked together. This avoids repetition in entering in data as m ore than one department of the system can share one bit of data.Access has disadvantages as well as advantages these include: -* Access is more sophisticated than Excel and is therefore harder to use for a novice.* Access is used by professional system designers who design systems for end users. This means the system must be very powerful and very detailed. However it is more complicated for a non-expert to use.High Level Language Such as PascalI have decided not to use a high level language, as I do not have the necessary knowledge to produce a system written in a high level language such as Pascal.Advantages* It can be customized to suit the companys needs.Disadvantages* Developer does not have sufficient enough knowledge.* I would take a long time to code some areas where as in Access they are easily done in tables.Evaluation of possible software solutionsI have decided to recommend the use of Access to the clients as being most suitable because it seems to offer more facilities and features, which will help me in designing a program for the Postquick Parcels, clients.Access is more usable than both Excel and Pascal and the end users will find the system easier to use as the system will save time by cutting out repetitive tasks and will give them quick access to the information they need. A system designed is Access should give a very user-friendly interface and will function in the way the clients want in to. Access is a quick database and is quick to open files and change to new pages. Access will really provide a solution to the clients needs, as it is a diverse program, which can be used in many different ways. Another very good thing about Access is that it will be very easy to upgrade, introduce new functions and make modifications as and when they are necessary.The system should take approximately 4 months to complete and has the proposed delivery date of the 30th of April. It will come complete with a progress report, a system guide and details on t he testing completed.DATA REQUIREMENTSThere are many data requirements for the new database system these include the following:* Data on the different prices, which depend on the various, weight categories.* Data on the parcel which the customer is sending, this will include, parcel ID, width of parcel, length of parcel, height of parcel, total dimensions, weight and price which will be calculated by the computer.* Data on the customer, this will include, customer ID, customers title, customers surname, customers forename, businesses name which the customer comes from as well as the business town, postcode, contact number, email address, street and street number.* Data on the parcels destination, which will include, Destination ID, the recipients company, address, town, county and postcode.* To actually order the parcel the information needed is, the order, customer, destination, parcel IDs and the date ordered and the required delivery date.THE DATA FLOWData Flow DiagramTo help me design an effective and structured database system I have drawn a data flow diagram to show the logical movement of the data through a system, however it does not show how the data is stored.There are different levels of data flow diagrams, I have drawn a level 1 diagram that can also be known as a context diagram. A data flow diagram has many symbols, which mean specific things the symbols I have used are: -* External Entities can also be known as a data source or destination. In the following diagram the Customer is the External Entity.* Processes are operations performed on the data. In the following diagram there are five processes each named P1, P2 etc.* Data Stores are logical stores for data, which are not physical in the following data, flow table they are labelled D1 and D2.There are many different levels of DFDs the DFD below is a level 0 and the DFD on the following page is an example of a level 1 DFD.Entity-Relationship diagramsEntity-relationship diagrams are diagram s, which show the relationship between entities in a database. Entities are things of interest to an organization about which data is held. In order to be able to draw an entity-relationship diagram you need to know the degree and the name of the relationship. The degree of the relationship will come under one of three categories:1. One-to-one, e.g. relationship between Person and National Insurance number which is unique to every person.2. One -to-many, e.g. relationship between Customer and Parcel Order.3. Many-to-many, relationship between Customer and parcel.Below are examples of data entities, which are relevant to my system.SYSTEM DESIGNTop Down DesignA top down design is the technique of cutting down and simplifying a complicated problem into the major tasks which need to be completed and then cutting down the major tasks into modules. It is mainly used in programming but the principle can be used to help design my system.Modular DesignThe system can be divided into different modules, and these modules can then be drawn in a structure diagram to show how the modules relate to one another and to form the whole solution to the problem. On the following page there is a structure diagram of the proposed system.System Structure DiagramAlgorithm DesignFinding IDI have devised an algorithm to show how the system will search and answer for an ID by the user entering in the business name. The diagram shows the flow of actions and could be called a flow chart. I could create algorithms for all of the queries.USER INTERFACEWhen thinking about the user interface you should think about who the system is for, what tasks the system is performing, and what environment the system will be in and whether the technology is feasible.OutputsThere will be two main outputs of my system and all need to be user friendly. These outputs are as follows:Consignment Note:The consignment note will be given to the recipient via the delivery and will need to include some details on the customer sending the parcel, these will be the customers ID number, title and surname so that the recipient knows whom the parcel is from. Then so that the delivery person knows where the parcel has got to go I will include information on the destination ID, name of recipient and their address.The note is mainly for the recipient and delivery person, this means that it wont need to carry very much information. For instance it will not need to carry the price of the parcel delivery. The recipient will need the information on the customer sending the parcel and the delivery person needs the information on the destination.The consignment note only needs to have a plain and simple design showing the necessary information and it is not necessary to include any colour and images. The font will be Times New Roman as this is a very easy to read font and will be in size 10 font to make it even easier to read, if it was smaller it would be a lot harder to read. The destination information wil l be in larger font and bold so that it will stand out easily for the deliveryman. The most important thing about the consignment note is that it is clear.Query outputs:The results of my queries could either be displayed in a table or in a form created by a wizard. The presentation of the results would better in a form this is because of a number of reasons, which include:* It is easier to read from forms than tables.* Forms display one record at a time, rather than all of them at once, like on a list, which make it harder to isolate one particular record.* Forms are better for presentation as they can have images on them and you can change the font and size.* With tables you cannot have buttons, where as, you can with forms.Over all forms are better for this type of system as they are more user friendly because they look less intimidating than tables and require less work on behalf of the user as they can have buttons on them to take the user to and from different forms and menus.E ach form will have a title to identify it to the user. The forms will not be cluttered and if anything will have a maximum of two images. This will insure that the results are easily readable and not interfered by unnecessary clutter. The field headings will be written in a clear easily read font like Tahoma and in 10 points, this will make the information clear and easy to read. This is better than fonts such as Algerian in font 9 which although is fancy, is difficult to read.FormsThe reason I have chosen forms instead of tables for the system is explained above under the title Query Outputs.There are four main forms, which are used for entering data about the customers, parcels, destination and orders information. All of these forms have their own clear large title saying what the data is about. Each field as above (query output forms) is in point 10 and in a clear and legible font, which is, well defined and easy to read. Also the forms will be clear of images as they are not rea lly needed, and there are large rewind and fast forward buttons to manually take the user through the records. Each of these forms follows the same structure to make the forms consistent in presentation and familiar to the user. All the forms will be in a light blue colour. I have chosen blue because it shows up the black writing very well and the writing is easily visible where as if I had filled the background in red or green the writing would not have shown up very well at all.On some of my forms where appropriate, e.g. customers title or possible weight categories, I will include drop down lists which should save the users time when entering information as they will just have to drop the box down and choose the category they want.MenuThere will be three menus: the first one will be a general welcome menu giving the user the option the go into either the existing or new customer menu. The welcome menu will have a large welcome title and will have two large buttons to take the use r to one of the two other menu choices. It will also have two images as without them the menu will look very plain and boring as there would only be a title and two buttons. The existing and new customer menus both will contain a lot of buttons, which take the user to different forms or run queries. The buttons will have an easily distinct font like Tahoma and will have a font of at least size 10 points. The menu will also have a light blue background so that there is a consistency in colour.ReportsThe reports I need to include for the system are : -* Consignment notes which are discussed above.* Price lists which specification says must be included. This will be used for hard evidence on the prices and may be used when re-pricing the cost of sending parcels.* Managers statistics which were also specified in the specification.METHODS OF DATA ENTRYThe user only needs to enter data into the database about the customer, parcel, destination and order. To make data entry easy I have writ ten instructions for the user on how and what information to enter in but on the whole it is self explanatory and very easy to get used to. Also as explained earlier I have even included list boxes so information doesnt always need to be written in manually by the user thus cutting down on human or syntax error. The screen print below shows one such list box which brings up possible suggestions for peoples name titles.However if there was a duke the user simply has to type in the title and the system will accept it. This is shown below.The user will have very easy access to the data entry forms, which requires the user to simply click on the appropriate button using a computer mouse, which will take them to the required form. This will not require users to have knowledge about opening and closing forms in a raw database. Then once in the appropriate form the user will be able to use a keyboard and mouse to type in the appropriate information.Over all the user will use the keyboard f or data entry and will use the mouse for the operation of the system (e.g. buttons).RECORD STRUCTURECustomer RecordsThe customer records will be in a table called Customer. The following table shows the field names, their type and field size.Field NameField TypeField Size (maximum number of characters you can enter into a field)Customer IdAuto NumberLong IntegerTitleText20Customer SurnameText25Customer ForenameText25Business NameText35Business Street and Street NumberText40Business TownText25Business postcodeText7Contact NumberText25E-mailText50Destination RecordsThe destination records will be in a table called Destination. The following table shows the field names, their type and field size.Field NameField TypeField SizeDestination IDAuto Number Long IntegerDefaultName of Recipient CompanyText40Address of RecipientText50TownText30CountyText25PostcodeText7Parcel RecordsThe parcel records will be in a table called Parcel. The following table shows the field names, their type and fi eld size.Field NameField TypeField SizeParcel IDAuto Number Long IntegerDefaultWidth of ParcelNumberDecimalLength of ParcelNumberDecimalHeight of a ParcelNumberDecimalTotal DimensionsNumberDecimalWeightNumberDecimalPriceCurrencyCurrencyConsignmentNumber Long IntegerDefaultOrder RecordsThe order records will be in a table called Order. The following table shows the field names, their type and field size.Field NameField TypeField SizeOrder IDAuto Number Long IntegerDefaultCustomer IDNumber Long IntegerDefaultParcel IDNumber Long IntegerDefaultDestination IDNumber Long IntegerDefaultDate OrderedText10Delivery DateText10FILE ORGANISATIONI will be creating a relational database where tables work collectively rather than individually. For this to happen there is a need for links between the tables, the links need to be between one key field in a table and a foreign key in another. The foreign key and primary key must ideally both be called the same thing and spelt exactly the same an d essentially be of the same field type so that there is not a syntax error. Below is a list of the links I will have between different tables: -* Customer ID in the Customer Table and Customer ID in the Order Table so that if the customer ID is typed in the order table all the other information will come up.* Parcel ID in the Parcel Table and Parcel ID in the Order Table. So that if a user types in a parcel ID in the order table all other parcel data will automatically come up.* Destination ID in the destination Table and Destination ID in the Order Table so that if a user types in a destination ID in the order table all their other data will automatically come up.* Weight in the weight cost table and Weight in the Parcel Table. This is so that the system can use the weight in the parcel table to calculate the cost by using the weight cost table.SECURITY AND INTEGRITY OF DATAIntegrityInput MasksInput masks can be used in fields in tables to format data and have some sort of control over what values can be entered into them. Input masks consist of literal characters along with other special characters, which determine the kind of value that can be entered. Input masks are mainly used in text and date/time fields, but can be used in number or currency fields. I will be using input masks to make sure the users dont make obvious errors when inputting data. By obvious I mean, for example, not putting capitals at the beginning of a name or putting too many digits in a phone number.Validation RulesA validation rule specifies a test, which has to be performed on any data entered into the field. If that data doesnt pass the test a message comes up on the screen, which shows the text specified in the validation. I will use validation rules to make sure that on every parcel record there will be checks to makes sure the size and weight of each parcel has a:* maximum weight of 30 Kg* minimum weight of 1 Kg* maximum length of 150 cm* maximum total dimension of 300cm* maxim um weight of any one consignmentList BoxesList boxes are drop down boxes, which display a range of possible categories for a user to choose from. Once clicked, the chosen value will be transferred to what ever field the box is connected to. This will help to prevent data entry errors or syntax errors and acts as a form of validation (previously shown on page 18).SafetyBack up recommendationsTo insure the safety of the database I would suggest daily back ups are made so that if the system for some reason looses its integrity, the company will have a recent back up to fall back on. This type of a daily back up is called a differential backup. This will insure that the majority of customers orders will not be affected and therefore the company will not lose customers. The regular backup should be made to a floppy disk, there should be a floppy disk for daily back ups done on Saturdays, Tuesday s and Thursday. Another floppy disk should be used to data back ups on Mondays, Wednesday s a nd Fridays. This means that if for some reason the system goes down and the daily back up that day had gone wrong, there is always the other floppy disk which even though is dated may still be of some use.SecuritySecurity is provided by making sure there are safeguards to ensure that data is not accidentally or maliciously corrupted.PasswordsThe system will have a password, which prevents the user from changing the design or appearance of forms. All the user will be able to do is enter the appropriate information in the right sections. The only person who will have total access to all areas both the users and behind the scenes of the database will be the administrator.EncryptionEncryption is where data appears garbled unless you know how to decrypt the data.Other Security RecommendationsI would suggest the user have various security measures for the system, these include: -* A security manager who can oversea and monitor all terminal activities.* Keyboards and monitors to be locked via a password when they are not being used or are left unattended.IMPLEMENTATIONSTARTING WITH A SIMPLE DATABASEThe TablesThe system will include five tables, these are: -* Customer, this table should include the fields concerned only with the personal information to the customer and does not include information about the parcel or anything else.* Destination, this table is where the user will enter in all information about the parcels destination.* Order, this table should include all information needed for and order to make the deliverers life easy. I am going to include all information about the customer order and destination and will also include the price of the parcel.* Parcel, this table will include all information about the parcel.* Weight Cost, the user will not use this table because the weight and costs should only be changed if the company changes their prices. The table will be used like a reference table or a look up-table (as in excel) in queries.Customer table:The c ustomer table includes the fields:* Customer ID* Title* Customer Surname* Customer Forename* Business Name* Business Street and Street Number* Business Town* Business postcode* Contact number* E-mailTo the right you can see a copy of design view of the customer table, as you can see all but the key field are text data types, this means that the information entered here can be both numeric and or letters. The reason that the contact number is a text data type and not a numeric type is because a numeric field would not allow a leading zero where as a text type will. Every table must have a key field, a key field is a field, which is a unique number field, which is used as an index. The Customer ID is an auto number, an auto number is a number, which is unique to that particular record, and the computer program enters it automatically.Destination table:The destination table includes the following fields:* Destination ID* Name of Recipient* Address of recipient* Town* Country* PostcodeT his table, like the customer table, has mainly text data types and only the key field is different, as it has to be a key field.Order Table:This table includes the following fields:* Order ID* Customer ID* Parcel ID* Date Ordered* Delivery DateThis form will not actually be used to directly enter in information on orders as the order information will be entered in by the user on to an order form which due to the relational links between the tables will transfer the necessary information on to order table.The form has Order ID as the key field, this means each order is given its own identification number which if necessary can be used like a reference.Weight and Cost table:This table includes only two fields:* Weight* CostLINKING THE TABLESThe tables are linked together to make a relational database. The tables are linked by means of a common field. One of the common fields must be a key field and the other is known as a foreign key.The purpose of having a relational database is that by linking tables you can use data from all of the tables not just one. For example instead of writing the customers information twice, once in the customer table and once in the order form, you can just enter in the customer ID in the order table and the information will come up, this is all down to the relational links.Below is a copy of the relationships between the tables.ENTERING DATANow that the structure of the database is in place how the user is to enter in the data is the next task. The entering of the data should be user friendly, quick and as far as possible not prone to human error, because time is very important.To make entering data easier I have decided to use the auto form function, which is quick and effective at designing simplistic and easy to use forms. All you have to do is follow the various self-explanatory steps, which the wizard takes you through. Below are the forms I have used in my databaseCustomer Data FormParcel Data FormOn the previous page is my fir st parcel data form, however it relied on the user remembering the different weight categories, this is not very reliable and is subject to human error, so I decided to include a list box with the categories already in there, this makes the form easier to operate. I have also included a title and instructions telling the user what needs to be inputted and that the measurements not including the weight need to be measured in centimeters. The improved form is shown below.Destination Data FormOrder Data FormOriginal designI have modified the order table throughout the project to make it easier for the users to use, however below is my first design, which simply includes places for the user to enter in the IDs and also the date ordered and delivery date, independently, without any help from the computer by way of an input mask.Revised FormAs you can see from the following form I decided to change the order form to include a lot more information. The modified order form is better because the user has to enter in less information. All the user has to enter in is the Customer ID, Parcel ID Destination ID and delivery date. All the other information is automatically brought up as you type in the auto numbers (relational database) and the date ordered is automatically entered in due to the date input masks (as explained later).Final Order FormThis form includes a title, instructions and record navigation buttons to take the user manually through the records. Also the fields where information needs to be entered is written in red for the users convenience.AVOIDING HUMAN ERRORS USING INPUT MASKSTo improve the database and make it less likely for users to input errors into the database I have included a number of Input Masks and default values, these are all shown below:Customer Data Table:There is an input mask in Customer Surname field, which makes it impossible for the user to enter in anything but a capital letter for the first character.There is an input mask to make sure the Business postcode has a letter, letter, number, number, number, letter, and letter.Destination Table:There is an input mask for the business postcode, which is the same as the input mask above.Order Table:I have included a default value on the Date Ordered field, which enters in the correct date automatically once you add a new record.VALIDATION RULESI have included several validation rules which make sure the specification (as stated previously) is carried out. These Validation Rules include making sure that the: -* maximum weight of 30 Kg and a minimum weight of 1 Kg, which is the validation rule on the Weight Field in the Parcel Table.The validation rule stated that the value entered in the weight field must be between 0 and 30 Kg. So the smallest value you could enter is 1.1 Kg and the largest you could enter is 30 Kg.* maximum length of 150 cm, which is the validation rule for the Length field in the parcel table.The validation rule stated that the value entered in th e length field must be between 0 and 150 centimeters. So the smallest value you could enter is 1centimeter and the largest you can enter is 150 centimeters. It also means this it wont be possible for the user to enter in a negative number.* maximum total dimension of 300 cm, which is the validation rule for the Total Dimensions field in the parcel table.The validation rule stated that the value entered in the total dimension field must be between 0 and 300 centimeters. So the smallest value you can enter is 1 centimeter and the largest you can enter is 150 centimeters. It also means this it wont be possible for the user to enter in a negative number.* The maximum weight of any one consignment is 200kg. I have included the validation rule that if the total weight of any one consignment goes above 200 kg an error message will be displayed.QUERIESSimple QueriesTo improve my database further I have set up a query. A query is a function, which can do things like looking up certain fields in a certain table and searching for something within that field.Parameter QueriesA parameter query is more complicated than a simple query. It is a query which when runs, displays a dialog box, which asks you for information e.g. a surname. The query then looks through the customer records and would find all the records with that surname. When you create a query you need to decide what fields of the matched record to show. This is done by first of all picking the tables you want and then the fields, which are pasted into the field row at the bottom. Then you need to type in what the dialog box is going to say, this is put in the criteria row under the field, which is going to be searched for a match. In my database I have included the following queries:Finding Existing destinationThis query is one, which the user can use, to find the information on a destination, which the customer has already previously sent a parcel to. This should help the user to save both time and disk space as it makes sure only one copy of the same address is kept on record.I have included all the fields because when the query brings up the record asked for, the user will want to see all the information held on that record. To make the parameter query work I need to specify the criteria by which the computer will search the records. In this case the criteria is as follows:This formula means that the computer has to look in the destination table and under the Name of Recipient company, as shown in the query screen print showing all the fields, to get a match to the name of recipient which is written in as shown in the above caption.In the dialog box I could have had one of two possible formulas I could have had:* Like * [Enter Business Destination Name:]*With this search the user would have to enter in the full business name, however with the following formula which has a wild card, which is the two ; signs either side of the parameter, the user will not have to enter in the whole name to get the record as it can match up the beginning three letters with the record needed. This is good as it will save time and doesnt mean the user has to enter in long company names.* Like *[Enter Business Destination Name:] *When the query is run the following dialog box is shown.Finding IDThis query is also intended to save the user time when finding an existing customers ID number if they had forgotten it. The dialog box will ask the user for the Business name of the company that is sending the parcel.Updating customer dataThis is another query which saves the user time when entering and changing data. The dialog box asks the user the business name of the customer and then the computer matches the name given with the business name fields in the customer table records. The following diagram shows the criteria formula.Total DimensionsThis query speeds up the entering of the parcel data by calculating the total dimensions of the parcel by adding up the width, length and height. Th is both saves time for the user and helps to prevent human error when calculating the total.I used the Expression Builder function to put this calculation into a formula.Finding Weight From PriceTo do this I had to use the weight and cost fields, however in order for the user to be able to enter in the weight of a parcel and for the computer to work out the price you have to use the relationships and get the weight from the parcel table and match it up with the weight in the weight cost table where it will then get the price. This has been made possible because of the relationships as discussed previously. The screen print below shows you how the weight and cost have been taken from different tables.This query is not used as a parameter query as it is not directly going to be used as parameter query, it will be used to create the form to enter data about parcels.Below is the overall design view of the two queries as explained above.CONSIGNMENT NOTEAs a ReportThe consignment was prod uced using the report wizard and pervious discussion explains the layout and design of the note.This is the first design of my consignment form, which will be given to both the deliveryman and the customer.Below is the final design for my consignment note. The annotated notes describe the improvement I have made.As a QueryThe above screen print shows the design view of a query for the consignment note, which after the user inputting the customers ID will display the total cost, and weight of all the parcels being sent by that person.The screen print below shows the form created when the user asks the computer to run the consignment query for the customer with ID number 1. This consignment note will be given to the customer along with the itemized list given to the deliveryman.Integrated Consignment notes for the deliveryman and CustomerInstead of having two separate consignment notes for the deliveryman and the customer I have designed a query which incorporates all the field from b oth consignment notes. This query is shown below.The combined consignment note includes the following fields:* Sum of Weight* Sum of Cost* Title* Customer Surname* Name of recipient* Address of recipient* Town* Total Dimensions* WeightOn the following page is the consignment report created for the customer with ID 5.REPORTSPrice ListsIt is specified that a report showing the price listings for the various weights is included in the system. I have made a simple report, which will show the managers the prices. This report is shown below. As you can see it is clear and simple.ButtonsAs you can see from the above screen prints I have used button in all of the switchboards which when clicked will take the user to the forms and queries as specified on the buttons themselves.The code fo
Monday, November 25, 2019
dead mens path essays
dead men's path essays In this short story Dead Mens Path, Chinua Achebe gives the protagonist an exciting chance to fulfill his dream. Michael Obi was fixed officially headmaster of Ndume Central School, which was backward in every sense. He had to turn the school into a progressive one, however the school received a bad report when the supervisor came to inspect. Why did the school get a nasty report and Obi could not become a glorious headmaster even though he put his whole life into it? In order to find out the answer, we have to examine Michael Obis personality and the event that made the supervisor to write an airier result. Michael Obi was a secondary school teacher. The Ndume Central School had always been an unprogressive, so the mission authorities decided to send a young and energetic man to run it (331). Obi was a juvenile and a jaunty man. Within Obis confidence, the reader can see his ardent desire. He had many wonderful ideas and this was an opportunity to put them into practice (331). By this golden chance he wanted to show other people how a school should be run. Obi wanted his associates to give all their time and energy to the school (331) because they were not married. He and his wife were very excited to work for the school. They both had made a plan to make the school modern and delightful. Even though Obi accepted his responsibility with enthusiasm, he could not become a great principal. Why? There should be some kind of obstacle in his plan. Michael Obi had built a miserable garden around the school. Beautiful hibiscus and allamanda hedges in brilliant red and yellow marked out the care- fully tended school compound from the rank neighborhood bushes (331-332). Obi had two aims. A high standard of teaching was insisted upon and the school compound was to be turned into a place of beauty (331). One evening Obi saw an old woman from the vil...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Political Science - Essay Example It is against this background that the central premise of this essay is focused on conducting an exhaustive critique into the relevance or otherwise of nationalist sentiments in our day and age. This question clearly emanates from the recent trends of highly charged tensions generated in the global political landscape due to nationalism. The debate is even made more complex by the fact that in one breadth whilst nationalism is cited as a justifiable intervention in a bid to consolidate an existing heritage in the next breadth all the blame for the internecine conflicts that have engulfed some parts of the world with deplorable impacts have heaped on the doorsteps of nationalist sentiments. Nationalism remains one of the greatest issues in international politics that does not have a simple, straightforward answer1. Suffice to cite a few instances to buttress the forgoing points. The state of Bangladesh was carved out of Pakistan, fuelled mainly by the strong nationalist elements of th e then Pakistani Bengali populace. In many respects the Bengali people shared common features with the mainland Pakistani people, with their Islamic religious creed serving as the most shining example. Yet nationalist yearning for sovereignty far exceeded the underlining factors-- a drive that eventually lead to the establishment of the independent state of Bangladesh. Irrespective of how this issue is looked at it served as a landmark victory for the Bengali nationalist. In sharp contrast, the same cannot be said about the Yugoslavian massacre that witnessed the mass killing of both ethnic Serbians and Albanians on a purely nationalist alter. Neither can the Nazi extremist execution of over six million Jews be used as a good example of the benefits of nationalist. To this end, the essay proceeds to pose prying questions as to what constitutes and when the middle line can be towed with regards to the question of nationalist sentiment. One truism is acknowledged in conducting this review. Nationalism is an inevitable human reality that can never be eliminated, whilst acknowledging this fact there is need to also state in terms of the need for complementary moderation to work within the framework of established state structures. To achieve the stated goals of this essay, there will be a conscientious attempt to conduct a theoretical assessment of all the contending issues on the nationalist debate as a way of orienting the reader before delving into the analytical scope of the essay. The essay extensively uses, historical and contemporary precedents to conduct a comparatively and inferential analysis that will eventually lead to a tentative conclusion to support the underlining thesis of the essay. Theoretical Basis There is a general consensus among anthropologists and sociologists that the human being has an inherent inclination to crave for affiliation with a recognized group within an environment that is socially supported2. Indeed, this serves as the graphic illustration of Aristotle's saying that man is a social animal. Group structures provide viable grounds for the provision of perceived or even real security besides the cardinal goal of presenting an identity. The group structure
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Organization - Research Paper Example The companies selected for analysis are IBM (manufacturing company. Following Reed (2001): ââ¬Å"Motivation must be understood not as a series of separate "needs" but as the dynamic aspect of the very functioning of a living organism. In other words, any living organism is, in effect, a pattern of intrinsically active and directed relational functioningâ⬠(p. 60). These meanings may be expressed in organization writings, thought, or language management, and social context, an organization sustains its own cultural system of symbols and meanings that can be widely shared by organizational members. the main difference between contentââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëprocessââ¬â¢ theories of motivation. is that the latter determines motivation as a cognitive rational process while the former sees motivation as needs satisfaction process. Motivation is the main factors which helps companies to attract and retain top talents. The task of the HR manager is to envision these threats in advance, so he will be able to avoid them, or at least minimize their negati ve impact upon well-being. Although managers do not find it a comfortable activity to dwell on unpleasant events, the future survival of organizations and society, itself, mandates that we try to anticipate worst-case scenarios and develop creative methods to manage them. Motivation programs should be effective and management policies should ensure success and positive outcomes. The main methods used by managers will be goal setting method and the leadership. If too much stress is placed on getting the work done, human motivation will suffer. The main strategies applied to the program will be motivation and inspiring employees, cooperation and support initiatives. If all of the emphasis is placed on workers satisfaction, then productivity will suffer. Further, a HR manager can share this expertise with other managers and employees, so that the total organization expands
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business asignment 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business asignment 2 - Research Paper Example 4. b. They are selling a well-designed machine. 5. a. Argentina, Brazil, Mexico-these are the countries we hope to concentrate on. 6. b. Only two sites-maybe three-offer the things we need. 7. c. How many owner-operators are in the industry? 8. b. You ever faithful assistance deserves-without a doubt-a substantive raise. 9. b. The charts are well placed on each page-unlike the running heads and footers. 10. a. Your devil-may-care attitude affects everyone in the decision-making process. Chapter 5 1. On p. 148, under ââ¬Å"Apply Your Knowledge,â⬠do question 1, 2 and 5. With number 5, note that at the end you are asked to explain your answer. As you do so, tell how you can make such content clearer by applying the concepts in our chapter. 1. Manufacturers do not have the responsibility of ensuring that customers read the warnings on food products. However, it is their responsibility to use simple and understandable language in the warnings. 2. When communicating business message s, I would use a direct method of communicating that is precise to ensure an authentic voice and still project my companyââ¬â¢s image. 5. Whether the logical sequence of my message is obvious, I have to use transitions. This is because it maintains the status of my position and ensures that I am understood perfectly. 2. On p. 148-151, under ââ¬Å"Exercises,â⬠do 1-3, 12-13 and 19b. ... we have portrayed a lot of patience j. we fail to understand 2. a. when an email order cannot be processed, the order form can be used instead b. it is important to bring my credit card to the store c. a 25 percent discount will be offered on all 15-inch LCD screens sales by the store d. the applicant interested in the position of a bookkeeper is bright enough and capable of handling a good job e. the request for $25 has been honored f. it wouldnââ¬â¢t have been necessary to learn how to use the machine properly if I had cared doing a good job g. the opportunity to run the company now was as a result of the strategy presentation this morning, which had brilliant ideas that could not fail. h. everybodyââ¬â¢s pay has been delayed due to the massive upgrade of the accounts payable system i. the sickness and lack of energy to work through the numbers by the evaluator has delayed the report j. my computer could have given me the news from online sources that MyTravel and Thorn Cook were in a merger talk 3. a 10 day remit on payment using credit card avoids spoiling its rating b. refunds are offered on returned merchandise that is not soiled c. we will ship your order after 10 days in which we will have replenished Baby Cry dolls d. for the blouse you ordered, specify the color e. during winter, waterbeds freeze in all unheated houses. Therefore, you will pay $9.50 to cover for the valve replacement and postage. 9. a. during this spring, b. a good amount of savings c. a good number was in attendance d. more efficient e. increased size of the working area f. restructure the website to flatten it 3. On p. 151, do 1-10 on the "Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics and Usage" exercise (just write out which choice is the correct one). 1. their
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A systematic literature review to study Dignity in Care for Adults
A systematic literature review to study Dignity in Care for Adults Introduction Dignity is a broad and complicated notion that can be used in legal, religious, bioethics, scientific and political contexts with different meanings. The term dignity signifies that a person has a birthright of being respected and treated morally and ethically by others. Dignity implies that people should be treated in such a manner that they feel their value and worth as individuals within the societal context (Soulen and Woodhead 2006). Dignity can be elevated and alleviated by several factors in a healthcare facility. These factors include the facility culture, surroundings and environment, attitudes and behaviour of caregivers and the practice of care being carried out in the facility. People feel more comfortable, confident and in control for making various decisions on their own in the presence of dignity but if there is a lack of dignity they may feel discomforted, devalued, embarrassed and humiliated (Weisstub and Pintos 2007). As dignity creates a sense of comfort and contro l, it is quite important that caregivers in medical institutions realise the importance of dignity while giving care to adults with learning disabilities. The proposed research will analyse the literature associated with dignity in care for adults with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom. Research Aim The primary aim of the proposed research is to analyse the meaning, perceptions and quality of dignity in healthcare with respect to adults who have learning disabilities in the United Kingdom and study the range of healthcare services available for adults with learning disabilities. Research Objectives To assess challenges of access, inclusion, choice, attitudes and legislation faced by adults with learning disabilities in healthcare. To determine whether dignity in care for adults with learning disabilities exists in reality as proposed and promoted by the UK Department of health or not. To understand and compare the types of health care services offered and available to adults with learning disabilities. To analyse the quality of healthcare provided to adults with learning disabilities in the United Kingdom and inequalities faced by them. Methodology Research methodology is an important aspect through which researches are conducted. A research methodology will actually depict that what is the appropriate approach of conducting a research and which research strategy will be applied in this research. In the similar manner it would also depict that which data will be collected for the research and how it will be collected. This entire research would focus on learning disabilities with adults and the issue of dignity will also be addressed in this research. The main objective of this research is to understand the issues of meaning, perceptions and quality related to learning disabilities and how dignity of these individuals is affected. The primary method that will be utilised in this research is based on systematic literature review. This method is implemented in this research because it would definitely be helpful because of several reasons. First and the foremost reason is that it would give a clear about the issue that is being studied. Wolf (2008) presented an idea about that systematic literature review that philosophy of science, development of health related materials etc can be analysed through systematic literature review. In the similar manner it gives a genuine and a clear idea about the issue that is being studied. Through this approach findings can be properly analysed and systematic literature review helps the researchers in the decision making process. Wolf (2008) believed that through this approach the information that is collected for this research can easily be summarised. The benefits of this approach would be that past researches can easily be utilised and this would definitely reduce the cost of researching. Another important factor for choosing this approach is the benefit of time that is at tached with systematic literature review. According to Britton and Jonsson (2004) systematic literature review is actually a cost effective approach for conducting a research. Both the researchers agreed with Wolf (2008) that generalisation and collection of data in this approach is quite simple and easy as compared to other approaches. Therefore, it can be said that because of these benefits this approach of systematic literature review is selected for this research. Ethical Issues Ethics is the term used for differentiation of right over wrong, good over evil and signification of justice or equality in the general behaviour or actions of individuals in a society (Hinman 2007). Confidentiality and privacy of individuals participating in a research is quite important especially if the research topic is quite sensitive as the case is with dignity in care for adults with learning disabilities. The researcher needs to understand and realise the seriousness of ethical issues and considerations in such a research. Although there is a danger of participants being named or personal information being compromised, the approval from the ethical issues committee is not necessary, as the proposed study will only present a systematic literature review of the data already accessible by public. The information collected in the proposed research will only be used for research purposes and real identities will be replaced by codes or false names when required. The following sect ion provides an analysis of literature relevant to the research topic that will be used in the proposed research. Analysis of Literature According to The UK Department of Health (2001) learning disability is a combination or collection of several disabilities and disorders. These disabilities may include disability to understand new information or skills, impaired function in society and an onset of any disability that started before adulthood and had a lasting effect. Learning disability or intellectual disability also referred to as learning difficulty in the United Kingdom is quite difficult to explain as it covers a broad collection of disorders or disabilities that people may face. These disabilities include but are not limited to challenges in processing information, understanding written or spoken language and other challenges that may affect quality of life (Corley and Taymans 2002). This notion by Corley and Taymans (2002) is backed by Turnbull and Chapman (2010) who suggest that people with learning disabilities face several problems in understanding and processing complex information and face challenges in developing new skills. These descriptions of learning disabilities indicate that adults with such disabilities may have difficulties in processing information in several social circumstances including healthcare. This implies that adults with learning disabilities will have a higher degree of healthcare needs as opposed to people with no learning disabilities at all. McGrath (2010) argued in an extensive literature review that people with intellectual disabilities have greater healthcare requirements as compared to the general population. While explaining the nature and intensity of these healthcare needs he argues that the health care needs of people with intellectual disabilities are more complex in comparison with the general population and can result in premature death, which could otherwise be prevented through effective care. This argument by McGrath (2010) is also backed by several other researches conducted in the context of healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities (Michael 2008; Leyshon et al. 2004; Cooper, Melville and Morrison 2004; Paxton and Taylor, 1998; Nocon, Sayce and Nadirshaw 2008). Gaskell and Nightingale (2010) also agree with McGrath (2010) regarding the greater healthcare needs of people with learning disabilities. They suggest that healthcare needs of adults with learning disabilities tend to be higher in comp arison to the general population due to a variety of reasons including visual and hearing impairment, challenges in mobility, heart conditions, diabetes and osteoporosis. The greater needs for healthcare of adults with learning disabilities are also perceived by caregivers as Vecchio, Cybinski and Stevens (2009) in their study analysed the effect of disability on needs of caregivers. They implemented descriptive statistics and regression analysis to conclude that caregivers of adults with disabilities indicated that they required assistance while providing care to such adults. It was also concluded in the study that the needs of adults with learning disabilities were even greater than the needs of adults with physical disabilities with respect to healthcare (Vecchio, Cybinski and Stevens 2009). Adults with learning disabilities face several challenges with respect to societal factors including unethical treatment, abuse, undue pressure in interpersonal communication and biasness from the general population due to their specific disability (Slater 2005). Slater (2005) argued that the most prominent challenges with respect to societal factors in healthcare were neglect, poor treatment and abuse by caregivers. He argues that adults with learning disabilities have every right to dignity in life as the general population and should not be subject to abuse due to a specific disability. The Department of Health (2001) provides a clear strategy regarding treatment and care of elderly people especially when they face challenges due to learning disabilities. The recommendations presented by Slater (2005) are in line with the department of health framework with respect to poor treatment and abuse. The framework clearly outlines that dignity should be a top priority in healthcare where people should be treated in an ethical, moral and respectful manner. The importance of dignity and equality in healthcare services is iterated by another report of The Department of Health (2002) by implying the importance of fair access to care services irrespective of age and any disabilities a person may have. Philp (2007) recommended that dignity in care should not be an afterthought and caregivers should understand and realise the importance of dignity in healthcare of adults with learning disabilities. He suggests that caregivers are very busy and they need to incorporate dignity into the overall framework for providing care. In his study, Philp (2007) emphasised the need for treating adults with respect and integrity while giving them a sense of freedom and control over their actions and behaviour. He concluded that there are various forms of abuse and caregivers need to provide care with thorough understanding and realisation of dignity in care of adults with learning disabilities (Philp 2007). Holland (2000) on the other hand, analysed how ageing affects people with learning disabilities with respect to social, psychological and biological issues. He argued that adults with severe learning disabilities faced more challenges in later parts of life with respect to services as compared to adults without any disabilities. He concluded in his study that gaps were present in the healthcare and social services provided to learning disabilities and the standards established by the department of health (Holland 2000). This implies that albeit healthcare providers may focus on providing the most effective quality of services but improvements can still be made to make the quality of services more effective especially with respect to dignity in care. Batesa and Davis (2004) in their study of social inclusion and services for people with learning disabilities presented several societal challenges faced by adults with learning disabilities. These challenges include hindrance in local community participation, perceptions of general population, problems in safety and trust, limited access to social networks and limited access to services being offered. The study indicates that these challenges are faced by adults with learning disabilities mainly due to the perceptions of community and general population with respect to these people. The research concludes that social capital concept provides an effective model for services that focus on promoting social inclusion of adults with learning disabilities (Batesa and Davis 2004). The concept of social capital, which is based on social networks, and standards of trust and reciprocity Batesa and Davis (2004) can also be implemented in healthcare for adults with learning disabilities for bet ter outcomes. Health care services are of utmost importance to individuals who are suffering with different learning disabilities. McGrath (2010) believed that people with learning disabilities needs health checks to monitor the discrepancies they have. Annual health checks is a type of health care service that is offered and available to adults with learning disabilities. Usually, people who are facing these difficulties are less likely to receive continuous screening and they have less frequent routine checks. That is the reason why annual health checks should be offered by different health care institutions so that they can benefit from it in both the short and the long run. However, a concern is that whether these health checks are needed or not because if they are not viable enough so there is no need to have an exercise that would engage them in such activity. Albroze (2005) discussed that these annual health checks are very important because they assist the patients in every aspects and peo ple who are suffering from these difficulties can gauge that what is their current situation. People who have learning disabilities usually live in communities and they have the right to access different mainstream health care services. Deshler, Schumaker and Bulgren (2001) discussed that individual importance should be given to people who are suffering with learning disabilities and this can be considered as a health care service. Nurses should be effectively trained in this regard and they should help the individuals who are facing learning difficulties. These researchers also believed that equal health care services should be provided to patients who are suffering from learning disabilities. In the similar manner disability awareness should be given to them in different regards like trainings and workshops should be organised so that they can easily benefit from these activities. Certain special health care services should be allotted to those individuals that have complex and special needs (Bergmark, Parker, Thorslund, 2000). In the similar manner, certain action plans should be developed for this cause so that all these health care services would be implemented in a proactive manner. Besides certain annual che cks individuals suffering from learning disabilities should be offered regular checkups. This will provide an equal opportunity to learn about their health and they can lead a happy and a prosperous life. Certain picture-based books should be provided to them so that they can learn how they can face different complex situations (Deshler, Schumaker and Bulgren 2001). Emerson, Davies and Spencer (2005) analysed that learning disability in adults is a condition that is quite long lasting. A survey showed that about 62% of all the people who are suffering from this disability live with their parents or with their relatives. Similarly, 30% of the people especially adults live in certain form of residential care or they live with people who are also suffering from learning disabilities. However, only 7% of the people live with their partners or they live alone. There are different inequalities faced by adults when they are receiving health care facilities. Michael (2008) believed that at times people receive unequal health care treatment and this can be considered as an important issue for people who are providing learning disabilities and for those who are accessing it. People that are facing learning difficulties are not always offered the same level of services and treatment as the general population. People and health care service providers assume certain things when they are dealing with individuals facing learning disabilities (Kuntz, Minnes, Garcin, Martin, Lewis, Holden, 2005). In the similar manner the routine health care services received by these adults over the year in the United Kingdom is patchy too. Finally, people who are suffering from learning disabilities as not served and perceived as a priority (Michael 2008). Cooper, Melville and Morrison (2004) believed that people who are facing learning difficulties face unequal atmosphere. They are not treated as equal citizens in many conditions and this creates a sense of inequality in them. People with learning disabilities are discriminated in the society and there are different health care professionals who do not understand much about learning disabilities. In the similar manner many professionals in the society are not familiar with the laws associated with capacity to consent. There are certain professionals who are aware with this scenario but most of them do not consult the family of these individuals who are suffering with learning disabilities (Corley and Taymans 2002). Individuals that are suffering with learning disabilities may not understand the significance and importance of health care screening or it is highly probable that they may not recognise the symbols of ill health. This factor might create issues for the carers in both the s hort and the long run. Therefore, people with learning disabilities should be dealt with extreme care and the level of dignity should be maintained so that they can lead a healthy and a prosperous life. Summary The primary aim of the proposed research is to analyse the issues related to dignity in healthcare with respect to adults who have learning disabilities in the United Kingdom and study the range of available healthcare services. This primary aim will be accomplished by achieving several underlying objectives. All the researches that were analysed in the literature review depict that adults with learning disabilities face several challenges especially with respect to dignity and they should be dealt with extreme care. There are certain discrepancies and difficulties in this regard and there should be a proper equal approach adopted to care for adults with learning disabilities. It was also stressed in this research paper that dignity of these individuals is the main issues and once the dignity of these individuals are present they can live with self respect in the society. Relevance to Practice The entire research would be quite useful in enhancing the level of dignity in adults who are suffering from learning disabilities in United Kingdom. However, one of the major points that should be focused by different agencies and social workers would be how fast and effectively they can implement all these processes. A significant amount of research has been conducted in this regard but the reviewed literature shows several gaps in standards laid down by government health authorities and current practices. The proposed research will be helpful in filling these gaps. The proposed research would be beneficial for adults who are facing with learning disabilities and it would be beneficial for caregivers who are planning to implement these processes.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Strindbergs Miss Julie and Becketts Waiting for Godot Essay -- Engli
Strindberg's Miss Julie and Beckett's Waiting for Godot The motivations and behavior of key characters in Strindberg's Miss Julie and Beckett's Waiting for Godot will be analyzed according to Eric Berne's method of transactional analysis. Eric Berne deals with the psychology behind our transactions. Transactional analysis determines which ego state is implemented by the people interacting. There are three possibilities which are either parent, adult, or child. The key characters in Waiting for Godot are Vladimir and Estragon. Vladimir is the more intellectual of the two and Estragon is more emotional. Their ego states are always shifting from minute to minute. In Miss Julie the key characters are Jean and Miss Julie. Jean shifts his ego state according to his situation either to compliment the ego state of the person he is talking to or to exploit the situation. In the relationship between Miss Julie and Jean their ego states interchange as Miss Julie begins as the parent, then she falls so they are equal on the adult level and eventually she is on the bottom so Jean is on the top as parent ego state. People are made with three basic ego states which are the parent, adult, and child. Some people have a dominant ego state and others are constantly changing. All parts are necessary for a well rounded personality. The child is linked with intuition, creativity, spontaneity, drive and enjoyment. The adult is the rational, objective and logical side which allows work to get done. This is the part of us that should be involved in difficult decision making because it weighs the pros and cons of the decision without bias. The parent is useful for actually raising children and for routine decisions that do not require the deductive rea... ...llowed to flow. He also manipulates Miss Julie's emotions by appealing to the romantic child in her. It is Miss Julie's fall from her high social status and her consequent fall to a childish ego state that makes Jean adapt his ego. She starts out thinking she is better than Jean because he is her servant. As they get closer she feels he is her equal so she talks to him as an adult from an adult standpoint. By the end when she has fallen from grace she feels so low that she is talking up to Jean and wants him to tell her what to do. All the while Jean is on the opposite side of the wheel that Miss Julie is on. Bibliography 1. Berne, Eric. Games People Play. Grove Press INC, New York Thirtieth printing 1966. 2. Strindberg, August. Plays: One , Miss Julie . Secer & Warberg Limited, Great Britain 1964. 3. Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. Grove Press INC 1956.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Christian Life Education Reflection Paper Essay
Prayer is a way of communication between me and God. It allows me to talk to Him and listen to Him so that I can establish a closer relationship with Him. As I went about my CLE classes, I learned that there were proper ways and intentions that are needed in order to make the most out of prayer, thus I reflected on my prayer life to see if I was praying according to the 4 keys. First, I evaluated Ricoââ¬â¢s prayer life since it is by doing this that I can better evaluate my own prayer life. Rico prays to God whenever he needs help like during tests, and he does good deeds in order to make sure that God will answer his prayers. Whenever he doesnââ¬â¢t need Him, he doesnââ¬â¢t set time for prayer since he believes that studying is already a form of prayer. How one sees God affects how he relates to Him. In Ricoââ¬â¢s case, he sees God as a vending machine. In vending machines, buyers insert money into the machine and in return, the machine gives the product the buyer desires. Rather than seeing God as a God who loves unconditionally, he sees God as someone who demands that he do good deeds in order for Him to grant the petitions of Rico. Rico promises God to stop cursing, to stop backstabbing and goes to mass whenever there are tests because he believes that God demand he does these good deeds so He will answer Ricoââ¬â¢s prayer. Just like a ve nding machine, Rico believes he needs to give ââ¬Å"moneyâ⬠or good deeds in return for the ââ¬Å"productâ⬠or petition he wants. Ideally one should see God as an unconditional lover, who loves us despite flaws, since this allows the person to approach God with trust, honesty and love, making the relationship more real and genuine. Instead, Rico doesnââ¬â¢t believe in Godââ¬â¢s unconditional love since he chooses to do good deeds to please love and make God love him. In reality, we shouldnââ¬â¢t do good to receive Godââ¬â¢ love but we should be open to Godââ¬â¢s unconditional love, which will then motivate and transform us to do good. How one sees himself also affects the way he relates with God in prayer since how we see ourselves shapes how we think others see ourselves. If we see ourselves as lovable, we will be open and honest since we know that the other person will love us the way we are. If we see ourselves as unlovable, we will be false and unreal since we will probably hide our true self to make others like us more. Ricoââ¬â¢s image of himself is a mixture of both. He sees himself as lovable by God only when he does good deeds andà religious acts. He does these acts to please God and to assure himself that God will answer his prayers since he believes that doing these acts make him lovable by God. Rico doesnââ¬â¢t see himself as lovable when he indifferent towards others and when not doing good deeds. Because of this, he doesnââ¬â¢t find time to pray to God when he doesnââ¬â¢t need help or do good deeds. One assumption is that Rico is ashamed of the cursing, backstabbing and other bad deeds he has done, so he distances himself from God because he feels unworthy of his love. He only prays to God when he promises to do good deeds, so he probably thinks he is not worth listening to by God unless he does good. This will have a negative effect on his relationship with God since he chooses to distance his messy self from God rather than pray to God to improve their relationship because he feels unworthy due to his flaws and doesnââ¬â¢t think that God has unconditional love for him. Instead of all the prayer time he could have spent with God, he misses out on it because of his wrong perception of God and himself. Reading Ricoââ¬â¢s sample prayer, Iââ¬â¢m not entirely sure if he is honest with God. He appears to be buttering God up so that God will grant his petitions. He tells God he promises to stop cursing and backstabbing, yet he goes back to his indifferent ways during regular school days. For me, it doesnââ¬â¢t seem that he seems sincere in what he is saying, so his relationship cannot progress and remains shallow. He should focus more on expressing what he really feels in order to break down barriers with God and in order to make the relationship with God more real and intimate. Rico also has a hard time integrating prayer with daily life. Rather than making everyday an opportunity to pray to God, he only prays to God when he needs him. This is similar to a relationship with a doctor, wherein one goes to the doctor for his services only without establishing a personal relationship with him. Rico only goes to God when he needs something and doesnââ¬â¢t attempt to establish a personal relationship with him. Occupational prayer is about recognizing Godââ¬â¢s presence in daily tasks, but Rico doesnââ¬â¢t do so since he only seeks God when he needs him. Other than those times, he studies and remains indifferent towards others, thus he doesnââ¬â¢t recognize Godââ¬â¢s presence unless he needs Him. Spousal prayer is resting from work in order to be totally available to God. ââ¬Å"My work is my prayerâ⬠is not anà excuse since we all need to spend at least 15 to 20 minutes everyday to talk to God alone, which will deepen our relationship with him and make occupational prayer more meaningful. Rico is ââ¬Å"busyâ⬠and believes that studying is a form of prayer, thus he doesnââ¬â¢t make time daily for spousal prayer, which prevents him from deepening his relationship with God. Rico doesnââ¬â¢t listen to God often during prayer. Prayer is irrelevan t when one dominates the stage and keeps talking and asking for favors from God. Prayer becomes relevant when we use it to listen to God in order to discover what he wants us to do. Often times, what God has to say to us is more important that what we have to say to him, so we must be selfless enough to give him the stage and reflective enough to learn his message. In Ricoââ¬â¢s case, he always dominates the stage by praying only to ask for petitions. He doesnââ¬â¢t listen to what God wants of him and only prays for his own personal intentions rather than praying to improve his relationship with God. Rico needs to become more selfless and put what Godââ¬â¢s trying to say over what heââ¬â¢s going to say. By listening along with talking to God, prayer becomes a two-way communication, which allows his relationship to flourish with God.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Personal Statement Ideas
Personal Statement Ideas It has come time for you to write your personal statement, but where should you begin? Weââ¬â¢ve gathered ideas for personal statements that will get your wheels turning and your pen writing! These personal statement ideas will help you draft the ideal statement for your college application and leave you in a shining light. Ideas for Personal Statement When you are beginning to think about how to write your personal statement, you might become overwhelmed with all the possibilities and where you should start. A personal statement for college is how you will explain what sets you apart, and how you are the right choice for the newest addition to the course. Even if you are not familiar with the specific format of a personal statement for college, you can go ahead and brainstorm ideas about what you want to include. Ideas for a personal statement draft can include: Articulating the Self Creating a thinking family tree Framing the sentences of purpose In order to draft your personal statement, take some time over a period of a few days to jot down notes. In your notes, write down anything and everything you have achieved, experienced, or currently do. Especially pay attention to anything that will be relevant to the course you want to study as well as the career path you intend to take. After all, any ideas for personal statement can be used as long as they are relevant to your personal journey and/or the course you want to pursue. To take a further look of the above examples on how to generate ideas for a personal statement, we have expanded the above examples in a step-by-step guide. ARTICULATING THE SELF Divide a sheet of paper into three columns: Traits, Values, and Key Moments Think about someone who knows you really well, a close friend or family member. Write down any negative and positive traits they would use to describe you and do not be afraid to write down the negative parts! For example, you might include: impatient, bold, creative, messy, etcâ⬠¦ In the second column, Values, write down everything that is important to you. Expand on ideas such as family, friends, or love and find the root of why these things are important to you. Does someone always have your back? What strong routines does living with your family make it so special? Everyone will have similar aspects of life they value, but the little differences will help you stand out. In the final column, take twenty minutes or so to think about your memories before jotting anything down. These key moments can be large or small, but they should be moments in your life that helped define who you are today. These moments should be when you felt the most alive. Describe one or two of these moments in a few paragraphs with a purpose of showing the reader how you felt and what you experienced. Taking the time to describe the moment in as much detail as possible will help you find your voice. The more moments you describe, the easier it will be to trace a pattern of similarities within the key moments of your life. They will show who you once were, who you are now, and who you aspire to be. And the more you write, the more confident your voice will be. CREATING A THINKING FAMILY TREE This exercise is more difficult but it is recommended to help you with your personal statement. Everyone of us has been influenced by individuals in our life that are not our family. To help discover yours, draw out a family tree or find a template to use. Once you have your family tree, start to fill in the blanks of who your intellectual or spiritual ââ¬Ëfamilyââ¬â¢ members are. For example, if you are directly influenced by a singer or author, she could be your intellectual ââ¬Ëmotherââ¬â¢. Naming all the individuals who make up your ââ¬Ëthinking family treeââ¬â¢ will help you articulate your priorities and how youââ¬â¢ve learned to make your way in the world. These influences can directly transfer to creating your personal statement. FRAMING THE SENTENCES OF PURPOSE Being direct and specific can oftentimes be the best brainstorming activity. Some questions you can answer to help trigger ideas for a personal statement could be: What mistakes have you made that have taught you something about yourself? When have you been so involved in an activity that time seemed to melt away? Make a list of honest ideas, books, theories or movements that have impacted your life. How do your current commitments reflect your values? Where or when in your life do you seem to waste the most time? When do you find that you do your best and most creative work? Explain how you are you a typical product of your generation and/or culture? How can you deviate from what is considered normal? Personal Statement Topic Ideas When it comes to writing a personal statement, you need to be sure to include personal statement ideas for college. This specific format is expected to be used when you submit your personal statement with your college application. Personal statement topic ideas that you can use are: Telling your personal experiences that are relevant to the course of interest. Tell your readers why you are interested in the course. Share what you have done outside the classroom. This could be anything from your work experience, volunteering, conferences you have attended (that are relevant to the course). Explain why your personal experiences are relevant to the course. Explain why and how your personal experiences will be relevant to your future career. Demonstrate any transferable skills. Show the readers you are a critical thinker. Explain your long-term plan. What will you be doing in five years? Ten years? Any real world applications you have done or used that are relevant to the course. Keep a positive and enthusiastic tone in your writing. Remember, your personal statement is exactly that, personal! Share your story and anything that can help you stand out, and the admissions boards will be excited to learn more about you!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Summary of the Lee Enfield Rifle â⬠History Essay
Summary of the Lee Enfield Rifle ââ¬â History Essay Free Online Research Papers Summary of the Lee Enfield Rifle History Essay The Lee Enfield Rifle was a new weapon introduced to soldiers of the Bengal Army. In order to effectively use the rifle the tip of each cartridge needed to be bitten off before it was loaded. There was a rumor spread amongst the soldiers that the tips were greased with pig and cow fat, both of which were against the religions of Muslims and Hindus. When soldiers refused to bite the tips off of the cartridges they were humiliated and in some situations relieved of their service. This event was one of several that lead to the Revolt of 1857, but this was the last straw. On May 10, 1857 a group of sepoys in Meerut in northern India massacred the English residents of the town, and marched on Delhi. Sepoys elsewhere heard of this and flocked to join the rebel cause Research Papers on Summary of the Lee Enfield Rifle - History Essay19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductPETSTEL analysis of IndiaWhere Wild and West MeetHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionQuebec and CanadaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Monday, November 4, 2019
National Oilwell Varco Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
National Oilwell Varco - Research Paper Example Such regulatory risk may mandate National Oilwell Varco make changes to the segments in which NOV is operating. 1. Environmental Protection Agency: an agency created to unite the federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities that would provide environmental protection. As a result of the exploration and production of oil and gas in the recent tears, there appeared new norms and rules that companies should apply for drilling permits. Thus, the Environmental Protection Agency is working to curb pollution and emissions created by the oil industry. That requires National Oilwell Varco to deal with the enhanced involvement by the organizationââ¬â¢s administration. National Oilwell Varco focuses on safety from the hazardous working conditions, it should ensure the compliance with the regulation on each of its oil platform. Refineries should require the regulations on nitrous oxide emissions, byproducts and products the company manufactures and sells (Hackett, Regoli, De Deo, Polley, 2014). Despite the oil and gas businesses questioned the need for tighter controls because of the regulation to be the most expensive in US history and have little impact on the environment and consumers, however, EPA stated that a combination of the proposed air pollution rules would assist in meeting the proposed standards of cutting smog-forming emissions from oil and gas industry and transportation.2. American Petroleum Institute: a national trade association that represent U.S. oil and natural gas industry.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business plan - Essay Example Business Description The products to be sold are washable slippersââ¬âthey are mainly used in the bath tubs and within the house. They are not designed for outdoor purposes. Their texture is soft, and the material they are made from is flexible and water-proof; that is, the washable slippers neither contaminate nor pollute the bathwater. This business plan details the procedures necessary for selling a brand of washable slippers for middle-aged male users. Though other categories of consumers can use the slippers; however, the initial research on this product was carried out with middle-aged male consumers in mind. Below are the data and chart that reveal how profitable the business is going to be when the target consumers/market is given ample consideration. 2 Table 1: Preferences for the Washable Slippers Comfortable (%) Uncomfortable (%) No comment (%) Middle-aged Male Users 75 20 5 Middle-aged Female Users 62 30 8 Teenagers 45 45 10 The data above was obtained by asking 20 mi ddle-aged men, women and teenagers to fill in their preferences in questionnaires concerning another pair of washable slippers. Their responses are tabulated above to demonstrate the likeness middle-aged men have for washable slippers. ... The form of organization chosen for this business is partnership. The major reasons for making this choice are that: (i) the size of the business is small; (ii) the capital to run the 4 business is limited; (iii) the partners can equally share the liability and profits accruable from the business; (iv) and being a medium-sized business, the partners would be able to concentrate more on rapid business development (Lazonic, 1993). Industry and Market Analysis The footwear industry in the United States is a large business: according to the US Census 2003, the value of menââ¬â¢s slippers that were manufactured alone in that fiscal year went up to about $3.6 million, while the total amount of slippers was $20 million (US Census 2003). However, the industry offers great opportunity for medium-sized enterprises to operate without undue competition from big players in the industry. And this is the main reason this business would be partnership, and the partners would be able to compete ev enly in the production of middle-aged menââ¬â¢s slippers without losing edges (Lazonic, 1993). Competitive Analysis Washable slippers are relatively new in the footwear industry. This kind of product will be so competitive in the market against the following primary and secondary competition. Primarily, rivals in the footwear industry normally compete on (i) price; (ii) look or appearance; (iii) durability. The washable slippers to be produced and marketed can 5 overcome these primary competitive indices by (i) offering considerable or moderate prices for the slippers; (ii) designing washable slippers that would have light weight and float easily in the bathwater; (iii) using good material to produce the slippers. Similarly there are some secondary
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